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Thank You to Our Staff

December 7th, 2023 - Notre Dame of Jerusalem Center

In our last newsletter we invited you to send in notes of thanks and encouragement for our employees and staff here at Notre Dame. Our hearts were warmed with the great response and we are currently translating these notes into Arabic in order to share them with our staff this Christmas as a token of how much they are appreciated.

We are happy to share a selection of notes with you below in the hopes that you can also be edified and keep all of them and their families in your prayers.

*Text from "Thank You Card" is copied below the image to facilitate reading*

To Father Steffy, all Legionaries, Consecrated, workers at Notre Dame, and any refugees. Please know that we are praying daily two rosaries for your safety and that any needs you may have to be met immediately. You should also know that you are in our thoughts and prayers constantly. We light candles and offer our Mass and Holy Communion up for your safety and an end to the atrocities that are occurring in Israel. We have made a donation to Father Steffy and hope to be able to send another one soon. I am forwarding your letter Father to my 6 living children and the adults of the 30 grands. With love and prayers through Christ our King and Mary our Mother, Mac & JoAnn

Hello Staff of Notre Dame of Jerusalem. My wife and I are from near San Francisco and we stayed at Notre Dame of Jerusalem last October 2022. We had such wonderful, spiritual experience during those 4 days. I remember arriving and checking in at the hotel well past 12:00 a.m. midnight, very tired and jet-lagged. The first thing the front desk clerk said to me was, “Welcome Home”. I cried with joy. The entire stay was outstanding, touring the old city, Bethlehem, the Dead Sea and evening mass in the chapel. And the dinner at the rooftop restaurant was incredible, the food, the service and views! I recognize the difficult political situation you are facing and I’m praying for peace. My wife and still think about our time spent at Notre Dame of Jerusalem and wanted you know what a positive impact you had on our experience. God bless you! Bill & Elizabeth Pacifica, California, USA

Dear Notre Dame of Jerusalem, Me and my family have you in our hearts during the tragic events that are taking place in the Holy Land. We hope this email finds you well and secure. Hoping for the best for you and for this war to be over soon, we will remember you in our prayers. Sincerely, Some friends from Italy

To all at Notre Dame, We are United with all of you in prayer and in hope. Our hearts are heavy knowing what is happening there; each day we pray for the end of this conflict, for those whose lives have been lost and for peace. We think about many of you whom we have met through the years we have been staying at Notre Dame. And we ask the Lord’s blessing upon each of you. May the prayers of many sustain you and keep you filled with hope! God bless you. Salaam! Deacon Tom & Mary Jane

We did a pilgrimage with Dynamic Catholic in Feb of 2020 to the Holy Land. Very shortly afterwards the world closed down due to COVID. I remember thinking how awful for all the people there who lost their tourism economy. Now this. God bless you all and we continue to pray for peace and all of you. And thank you again for all the wonderful memories you were part of on our stay.

Judy & Dave


My wife and I had such an incredible stay with you all back in May. Everyone treated us so well! Thanks for all the hospitality you have done and continue to do in the name of the Catholic Church. God Bless you! Joseph

I loved my trip to the Holy Land and felt as though I was home! I have numerous memories. I will pray for you all and hope to return one day to this sacred land! God bless you all. Carolyn Massachusetts, USA

To all of you in Jerusalem, I pray for your safety. May the peace of Christ be with you. Blessings, Shelly

Mis queridos, pienso mucho en vosotros. Rezo para que vuelva La Paz y me siento muy cerca de vuestra situación. Os mando todo mi cariño. Abrazos. María José

In these difficult times for the inhabitants of the Holy Land we pray for u all and for a prompt return to peaceful conditions.

Salvatore & Vivi

While we don't know your names, we remember your faces. We remember your smiles, your hospitality, your kindness and attention.

You made our stay in Jerusalem on those last days of July forever memorable. We felt taken care-of in your presence; during our rooftop dinner, I joked and had a moment conversing with you all, exchanging greetings and wishing each other well. Hospitality is the profession of giving, of making another feel happy and comfortable, you did it well, so we want to show our appreciation and our support in return.

It is hard to believe the tribulation that has come to your home in just a few months. But trust that this too shall pass, for no storm lasts forever, and if you have love in your heart, hard times become softer. I remember many of you were not Christian, but I don't think you'll mind a Christian's perspective on hard times.

Jesus, as you know, is known as loving and compassionate, yet he carried his message to the world during the worst of times. Tiberius ruled Rome then, one of the worst and most cruel Emperors in recorded History. Then, after Jesus' death, when the apostles started spreading his message, the very worst Emperor in all history, the insane Caligula, ascended the throne. In these impossible times of no hope, the message of kindness and compassion passed quietly in the hearts of the people.

Now, looking back, it seems unfathomable that the gentle outlasted the violent, kindness outlasted cruelty, hope outlasted evil. But it did. We don't honor Tiberius, or Caligula, or Nero's evil deeds. But a home in the heart of Jerusalem, Notre Dame, carries to this day the spirit of love and compassion of Jesus, directly to its visitors, and its staff members.

Trust then, that in the midst of hard times, goodness has always prevailed against those who do evil. And if you continue to give yourself, at work, or at home; if you have love in your heart, then these hard times will become softer. May God bless you and your families, and wish you strength through love. Sincerely, Javier & Jing

Dear Staff Member of Notre Dame of Jerusalem: My husband and I visited Jerusalem with our five daughters in December 2017. Our stay at Notre Dame of Jerusalem was safe and peaceful, bringing us closer as a family and our faith. We appreciate the space and hospitality you provided for us during our stay and have you covered in prayers for safety, comfort, and peace during these difficult days. We hope to return to Notre Dame of Jerusalem soon and will urge our friends and family who make the pilgrimage to the Holy Land to stay with you. God Bless you all. With Gratitude, Cayce & Lauren Washington DC

Liebe Mitarbeiter, ich sende euch diese Zeilen in Verbundenheit zum heiligen Land. Ich durfte in eurem Hotel schon übernachten und ich weiss was Sie für einen tollen Job machen. Tief betroffen bin ich über die Kriegsauseinadersetzungen und bete das dieses Massaker bald vorbei ist und wieder Ruhe und Frieden einziehen kann. Ich bete für die getöteten und verletzten Menschen. Hoffe das dann die Menschen , so wie ich auch, wieder das Land besuchen können zu dem ich mich besonders hingezogen fühle. In Verbundenheit.


Thank you for your update on your lives in Jerusalem. My husband and I stayed there in May 2022. I was deeply impacted by your Shroud of Turin exhibit. We co-led a tour this September 5-15. Walking the Holy Land is fresh in my mind and heart. I’m very glad to hear that you are open and serving those that can travel. Your hotel is incredibly hospitable and a wonderful place to stay. I hope to stay there again in the near future. I pray for Israel night and day and will add your staff to my prayers. In Christ’s service,


Chagrin Falls, Ohio

Hello from a former visitor (February 2020) from New Jersey, USA. We watch each day and pray and hope that all are well. We particularly wonder about our guide Hami a Palestinian Christian. I hope he and his family are safe with you. My heart goes out to all of the people both Jewish and Palestinian suffering from this terrible terror. May you all find strength and each other and in your faith God bless, we will keep you in prayer. We are hoping our guide from February 2020, Hami and family are safe with you. Regards,

Janice & Brian

Hola integrantes del Regnum Christi: Les escribo desde Chile. Aunque lejos en distancia, estoy muy cerca de ustedes, sufriendo por los horrores de la guerra y rezando para que el Señor conceda la paz a israelitas y palestinos. Supe que en Magdala han recibido a 300 refugiados del norte de Israel. ¿También han recibido en Notre Dame? He estado 6 veces peregrinando en Tierra Santa y le tengo mucho cariño, por eso me apena esta situación. Sepan que estamos pendientes de todo lo que pasa. Seguimos unidos en la Oración. Mantengámonos informados, por favor. Un abrazo y cuídense. Ximena


Hola, buenas tardes! Queremos mi esposo y yo mandarles nuestras oraciones y gratitud! Hace un mes estuvimos con ustedes y logramos por suerte salir de Israel un día antes de los ataques. Desde el minuto uno han estado en nuestras oraciones para que esta turbulencia que están viviendo sea parte de su camino al cielo. Dios bendiga y alimente su fe todos los días. Un abrazo, Adriana & Luis

In four weeks I was going to go to Holy Land with F. J.J. Ferran L.C. We are going to stay at ND us always, enyoing the hospitality and the frindley way that ND welcome the pilgrims always. I would like to send to all of you all my support, friendship and prayers. I hope this situation finally ends, meanwhile we are with you and as soon as we can make a pilgrimage, we will see us together again. My best regards,


Madrid, Spain

We are praying for you and praying for peace in Holy Land! Sending hugs and thanks for all you do for our Lord while welcoming Pilgrims at your hotel. Joe & Michelle

I hope this finds you safe! We are praying for your safety and for the Lord to keep watching over you! The trip to the holy land was life changing for me, and here are some photos to share of moments there— in Jerusalem at Notre Dame! Thank you for making this an unforgettable pilgrimage. Paula

Thy Kingdom come! Dear Friends in Notre Dame Center, I have just received the letter of your Chargé. There he explains that we can send you a message willing you hope, peace, and support. I would like to assure you my daily prayers for you and your loved ones. Christ triumph is not easy to understand, but it will arrive: for sure. I will ask many friends of mine to join me in this chain of prayers for you. Receive also my priestly blessing. Yours in Christ,

Fr. Ramón

Dear Notre Dame's staff, I left the Holy Land 1 month before the war began. Now I am in Mexico, dedicating myself to prayer and one of my first intentions is for peace in Israel and Gaza and for you all. I'm very thankful yo you and in this moment, even bring far away I send you a hug and I want to encourage you to keep going and to choose always what will bring peace to the world. God bless you! Inshalla, the war will finish soon!


Hello from Trinidad and Tobago. Sending you all lots positive thoughts and lost importance lots earnest prayers – trusting God this horrific wars end quickly and without more deaths and violence. Sharing a photo from your restaurant of the peaceful view of Garden Gethsemane! We visited November 2023. See you soon! Lots prayers and love from Lisa & family

Please know, you and your families are in our daily prayers for your safety, courage and resolve to you and our beloved and sacred Holy Land. William & Lise

Stay strong... With thanks.


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